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Names like prince and the meaning

princeprince used for male last name BoyPrincipal one, First
princewilliamprincewilliam used for M American Boy
princejohnprincejohn used for M American Boy

princejohn name meaning

Popularity of prince

prince baby name is vey popular for American babies name and its popularity ranking is very high in all the years ranging from 2010, 2011 and 2012. princeit is not a popular first name but a very popular surname or last name for all people

Name Suggestions

princejohn name meaning

Our baby name website suggests names that meet your search criteria, based on a name search or name meaning search. Whether you're looking for common , unique names or distinctive names, male or female, our site has got it covered. Get a list of names which are similar to any other name. Covers first names, surnames, family names, and even pet name.

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prince meaning and Name Origin

When naming your baby prince, it's important to consider the gender of the name itself. When people look at the name prince, they might ask if the name prince is for a man or a woman, or "what is the meaning of the name prince?" Some names are more gender neutral than others, and some names are more strongly associated with either males or females. Some spelling variations of the name prince might be more popular than others. This site helps you to get all the information, history, origin, popularity about the name prince. here you also get related names to prince, our site result will display for you identical names variations and different spellings..

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Choosing names of your Child

Choose a good name for your baby's benefit, not yours. This means you have to be selective, no joke names, puns or play on words. It may seem more interesting than a common name like Mary but would you want your child being teased and laughed at or even scarred for life because you thought it would be different? See types of names to avoid. Choose a name that will grow with your child. A name that has good meaning , remember that a name you chose for your child today will be with him till the end of his life.

Know what you are looking for

Are you thinking of a traditional, religious or an uncommon name? Do you want to name your baby after somebody? Would you like a short or long name? What do you have in mind? Deciding all of this ahead of time will immediately narrow down your search.

How does the name sound like?

Think about your baby's name. Say it aloud. Does it have a melody? Do you think it sounds weird or out of place? Does it match your last name? Does it sound all right? If you're naming a boy, avoid names that sound feminine. Most of the time, a shorter first name will go well with a longer last name and vice versa.

Thinking of Common or Unique name?

There are advantages and disadvantages in both the common and unique names. For example, a common name like Jacob is both easy to pronounce and remember but the name is common, so there is a high possibility that there might be quite a few other Jacob's in your child's class or workplace. Unique name can make a child to stand out and popular. Bear in mind that, if you decide to go for a very popular name, the chances are that several of your child's school friends in later life will have the same name. An unusual name may make your child stand out from the rest but the question is would she or he want to stand out? If your child is shy and does not like attention, this may be a problem. However, if your child likes the spotlight, then it may be a good thing. Some unusual names are hard to spell and pronounce, so although it might make them feel special, your child might have to get used to people misspelling and mispronouncing their name or even teasing from classmates. For more advice on this, see Choosing Unusual Baby Names.

choosing a unique name based on Relatives and friends

Many parents choose to name their babies after a grandparent, other relative, or close friend. This option can provide you with a good pool of names to consider. Take ideas graciously, but try not to let anyone know what you've decided until your baby's born; so it's too late too give in to subtle hints from relatives or friends. Remember; don't let people pressure you into naming your child something that you'd rather not. Many parents like to honor a family member by naming their baby after them. But if this is not something you'd like to do, why not use that name as your baby's middle name so that you get to name your baby to your liking and your family's happy too. If you choose to name your child after a parent or grandparent, or if its tradition in your family and you want to continue it, make sure that nobody else in your family has already done so. It will be confusing to have two people in the same family with the exact same name. If you want to name your child after a close friend, keep in mind that however close you are, friends may change. Is your best friend the same one you had ten years ago or will your best friend now stay with you for the next ten years? Think about it before deciding to name your child after them.

Initials and nicknames

Choose a name that will have good initials, because initials can be turned to nickname. Most parents don't think about the initials that may spell out something embarrassing. For instance, Sonia ingrid Nathan will be more likely to be teased and called sin by her classmates because of his initial.

prince Ancestry and heritage names

Your child's heritage is very important and you may want their name to show it. Or maybe you are a religious person and this may influence your choice in name. Or maybe your family has a tradition to name your firstborns after their grandfathers. If the name you've decided on does not get the thumbs-up from your family, you can consider using it as their middle name.
Please consider carefully before naming your child. Choose a good name that your child will be proud of later in life, and please don't name your child because of some bad events or bad lucks that occured in your life and you name a child to reflect, anger, hatred, devil etc.